domingo, 13 de enero de 2019


Engraving is a technique which consists on incising a design onto a hard surface by cutting grooves into it with a burin. The result may be a printing image on paper; this image is called "engraving". Engraving is one of the oldest and most important techniques in printmaking.


Here we can see some of the desings the students curved on foam.

After incising their designs, our students rolled the paint on the foams and prepared to print them on their papers.

Final result


Nuestros alumnos han trabajado duro durante navidad y han presentado el tema 4 y 5 de Social Science, European Union and Economy. Les doy la enhorabuena por lo bien que lo han hecho y la soltura con la que le han explicado a sus compañeros los temas. Espero que les haya servido para que todos aprendan los contenidos de forma mucho más significativos.