lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014


Alguna vez has pensado que se te ha ocurrido un invento que es una tontería. No subestimes tu imaginación y mira que inventos más simples han hecho nuestro día a día más fácil. ¿Quién sabe? quizás tú seas un gran inventor.




On Saturday, March 22, 2014, at 10:37 a.m. local time, a major mudslide occurred 6.4 km east of Oso, Washington, United States. 
A portion of an unstable hillside known as the "Hazel Landslide" collapsed, sending mud and debris across the North Fork of the Stillaguamish River and onto the adjacent river valley, covering an area of approximately 2.6 km2.
[update] Excluding landslides caused by volcanic eruptions, earthquakes or dam collapses, this is the deadliest single landslide event in United States history.

sábado, 29 de marzo de 2014


Estimas padres:

Os convoco el próximo lunes 31 de marzo para la entrega de notas de vuestros hijos y para analizar los resultados de la segunda evaluación. La reunión tendrá lugar de 16:00 a 16:30 en el aula de 5ªA.
Espero vuestra asistencia.
Ana Isabel Robles García

sábado, 15 de marzo de 2014


Al pie del artículo los niños de la clase de 5ºA bailando y cantando una coreografía aprendida en la clase de Inglés. ¿A que son unos artistas?

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014


Chapter 7: We will never let him go.
At six o’clock in the evening, Bean switched off the motor of his tractor and climbed down from the driver’s seat. Bunce did the same. Both men had had enough. They were tired and stiff from driving the tractors all day. They were also hungry. Slowly they walked over to the small fox’s hole in the bottom of the huge crater. Bean’s face was purple with rage. Bunce was cursing the fox with dirty words that cannot be printed. Boggis came waddling up. ‘Dang and blast that filthy stinking fox!’ he said. ‘What the heck do we do now?’
‘I’ll tell you what we don’t do,’ Bean said. ‘We don’t let him go!’
‘We’ll never let him go!’ Bunce declared.
‘Never never never!’ cried Boggis.
‘Did you hear that, Mr Fox!’ yelled Bean, bending low and shouting down the hole. ‘It’s not over yet, Mr Fox! We’re not going home till we’ve strung you up dead as a dingbat!’ Whereupon the three men all shook hands with one another and swore a solemn oath that they would not go back to their farms until the fox was caught.
‘What’s the next move?’ asked Bunce, the pot-bellied dwarf.
‘We’re sending you down the hole to fetch him up,’ said Bean. ‘Down you go, you miserable midget!’
‘Not me!’ screamed Bunce, running away.
Bean made a sickly smile. When he smiled you saw his scarlet gums. You saw more gums than teeth. ‘Then there’s only one thing to do,’ he said. ‘We starve him out. We camp here day and night watching the hole. He’ll come out in the end. He’ll have to.’

So Boggis and Bunce and Bean sent messages down to their farms asking for tents, sleeping-bags and supper.

___   ___   ___

And here we have some students' summaries.