domingo, 16 de octubre de 2016



Meals can consist of one, two or three courses (sometimes more, sometimes less). These are the parts of the meal that are served in different dishes and one after the other. A good meal can have an appetizer, a first course (soup or salad), a second course (meat or fish with vegetables and potatoes) and the third course, the dessert (sometimes called “pudding”), which is usually something sweet such as ice-cream, cake, trifle... 

Please,do not confuse

 desert /ˈdɛzət/       dessert /dɪˈzɜːt/

Apart from these meals, you can also have a snack in between meals, and on Sunday an American custom that is catching in Britain is the brunch, which is a late breakfast or early lunch that is usually eaten in the late morning, making it perfect for those people that after a long night out want to stay in bed a little longer on a Sunday morning. The word brunch is a portmanteau  of “breakfast” + "lunch".

yummy, yummy, 
in my tummy

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