viernes, 29 de abril de 2016



Once upon a time, there was a little girl  and a little boy  who lived in the city, where there were lots of cars and noise.

One day the children went to visit their grandmother who lived in the country. Grandmother had a big barn full of lots of animals. The children played all day and in the evening, when the clock struck 8 it was bedtime. 

1- Grandmother took their grandchildren into their nice cosy bed, she gave them a kiss, she turned off the light, she closed the door and said "good night". But a little cricket in the corner went cree-cree-cree; and the children said: it's too noisy. 

2- So grandma came back and said:"I know just what you need, you need a little red hen". So she went to the barn and brought  her little red hen and she put it in the bedroom with the children. Then, she the gave them a kiss, she turned off the light, she closed the door and said "good night". But the little red hen went cock-a-doodle-do; a tiny cricket in the corner went cree-cree-cree;  and the children said: it's too noisy.

3- So grandma came back and said:" I know just what you need, you need a big black dog". So she went to the barn and brought her big black dog and put it in the bedroom with the children. Then, she the gave them a kiss, she turned off the light, she closed the door and said "good night". But  the big black dog went woof-woof-woof; the little red hen went cock-a-doodle-do; a tiny cricket in the corner went cree-cree-cree;  and the children said: it's too noisy. 

4- So grandma came back and said:"I know just what you need, you need a  black and white spotty cow". She went to the barn and brought her huge black and white spotty cow and put it in the children's bedroom. Then, she the gave them a kiss, she turned off the light, she closed the door and said "good night". But the huge black and white spotty cow said moooooo;  the big black dog went woof-woof-woof; the little red hen went cock-a-doodle-do; a tiny cricket in the corner went cree-cree-cree;  and the children said: it's too noisy.

5-  So grandma came back and said: "I know just what you need, you need a gigantic chestnut brown horse". She went to the barn, she brought the gigantic chestnut horse and put it in the children's bedroom. Then she the gave them a kiss, she turned off the light, she closed the door and said "good night". But the gigantic chestnut horse went neigh;  the huge black and white spotty cow said moooooo; the big black dog went woof-woof-woof; the little red hen went cock-a-doodle-do; the tiny cricket in the corner went cree-cree-cree;  and the children said: it's too noisy. 

6- So grandma came back and said: "I know just what you need. 
I'll take away the hen,
I'll take away the dog,
I'll take away the cow,
I'll take away the horse" 
She gave them a kiss, she turned off the light, she closed the door and said "good night" and the children fell fast asleep.

martes, 26 de abril de 2016


La ONG MANÁ ha organizado en La Fábrica de Harinas una actividad para concienciar a los niños de los problemas de nuestra sociedad que originan más pobreza, desigualdades y distanciamiento social.
Los niños han podido descubrir cuales son las verdaderas causas de la pobreza mediante una original gymkana muy bien organizada.
Gracias a esta organización por su colaboración y por su labor educativa.
Algunas fotos de la actividad.

martes, 5 de abril de 2016


Este trimestre estamos estudiando los animales marinos. 
Hay una película que a los niños les encantará ver basada en una historia real. Aquí les dejo el título y un breve trailer.


There is a very interesting film which kids will love watching. Here you have a short view.